Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification Framework
CMMC framework is a set of best practices and processes created by the United States Department of Defense (U.S. DoD) and first introduced in 2020 with major refinements in 2021. By 2025, any organization that works for or sells to the DoD will be required to certify compliance with the CMMC framework.
“CMMC stands for “Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification” and is a unifying standard for the implementation of cybersecurity across the Defense Industrial Base (DIB). The CMMC framework includes a comprehensive and scalable certification element to verify the implementation of processes and practices associated with the achievement of a cybersecurity maturity level.” —The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition & Sustainment Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification |
What Is the CMMC Framework?
The CMMC framework incorporates federal guidelines used by other agencies outside of the DoD, such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-171 (NIST SP 800-171), NIST SP 800-172, and 48 Code of Federal Regulations 52.204-21 (48 CFR 52.204-21), commonly referred to as the FAR Clause or FAR 52.204-21. It is designed to ensure that defense contractors and sub-contractors, also known as the defense industrial base (DIB), can be trusted to safeguard controlled unclassified information (CUI) and federal contract information (FCI). The CMMC framework details specific cybersecurity requirements to qualify for DoD contracts and drive security standards throughout its multi-tier supply chain.
Consolidated into three maturity levels, down from five levels in the initial version, the CMMC framework details specific security criteria that must be met to achieve certification.
1. The CMMC framework Level 1, Foundational, has 17 practices.
2. The CMMC framework Level 2, Advanced, has 110 practices.
3. The CMMC framework Level 3, Expert, has 130 practices
NIST Cybersecurity Framework Maturity Levels
National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) published version 1.0 of their Cybersecurity Framework (NIST CSF) in February 2014 in response to Executive Order 13636 as part of its efforts to improve critical infrastructure cybersecurity. Conformity to the NIST cybersecurity framework maturity levels is measured according to four tiers. These provide a standard to describe the level to which an organization is prepared to detect, identify, and respond to cyberattacks.
- Tier 1—Partial
The lowest of the NIST cybersecurity framework maturity levels is Tier 1. At this level, cybersecurity risk management has not been formalized or documented. Threats are addressed on a reactive, ad-hoc basis. Organizations categorized as Tier 1 are at significant risk of a successful cyberattack, because of their limited ability to recognize and effectively respond to cyber-threats. Simply put, they do not lack advanced technical and administrative cybersecurity controls. - Tier 2—Risk-Informed
At Tier 2 of the NIST cybersecurity framework maturity level, the organization’s stakeholders are aware of the deficiencies and risks. However, risk management systems and processes may not be implemented organization-wide. Tier 2 organizations will have some controls and policies in place to protect digital assets, and risks are addressed reactively in an ad hoc manner. - Tier 3—Repeatable
At Tier 3 of the NIST cybersecurity framework maturity level, organizations have established repeatable processes to identify and respond to threats. These organizations also have formal risk-management processes in place along with well-defined security policies. Tier 3 is the recommended minimum level for most organizations because it ensures that they have an effective defense against new and emerging threats. - Tier 4—Adaptable
The highest of the NIST cybersecurity framework maturity levels is Tier 4. Organizations at Tier 4 continuously improve and adapt their security posture to thwart new and emerging threats. To reach Tier 4, organizations regularly conduct risk assessments and adjust security policies and procedures to take advantage of new solutions and remediate vulnerabilities to new threats. At Tier 4, security systems rely heavily on a steady stream of security-related data that’s processed with advanced analytics to gain insights and hone systems and processes.
Cyber Maturity Assessment Framework
There are different types of security maturity models, most of which use similar levels. To effectively use a security maturity model framework, organizations need to embrace their potential and use the models to better understand and identify security weaknesses.
Security maturity models can also be used as a path to metrics and measurement from which improvements to security programs can be more easily communicated and visualized. Cyber maturity assessment frameworks collect cybersecurity best practices and provide a benchmarking tool that organizations can use to evaluate their security readiness. Several reasons why organizations should use a security maturity model framework are that they:
1. Provide a view of the current security posture
2. Benchmark against industry requirements
3. Help prioritize security investments
4. Balance cyber security portfolio
5. Inform security strategy and roadmap
6. Help CISOs to communicate security to executives and Board of Directors
7. Facilitate protection of systems and data
8. Facilitate compliance with applicable laws and regulations
Five Security Maturity Model Framework Levels
A cyber maturity assessment framework defines five distinct maturity levels, which indicate the degree to which an organization has optimized security systems and processes. During the progression from level one to level five, an organization will develop, refine, and enhance its cybersecurity posture.
Key process areas characterize each level. When considering the cyber maturity assessment framework levels, it is helpful to keep these key process areas in mind.
- Commitment to perform
- Ability to perform
- Activities performed
- Measurement and analysis of the results
- Verification of the implementation of processes
Level 1: Initial
- Ad hoc decisions
- No processes in place
- Reactive processes
- Undocumented processes and decisions
Level 2: Repeatable
- Basic inventory of processes
- Some documentation
- Some processes are more regular
Level 3: Defined
- Formal and standardized
- More consistent practices
- Processes are established and defined
Level 4: Managed
- Integrated with communication
- Processes measured, refined, and adapted
- Understanding of environment
Level 5: Optimizing
- Processes automated, analyzed
- Security as part of overall organizational culture
- Understand the link to the organization
CMMC Framework Brings Positive Changes to DoD Supply Chain
While some organizations initially see frameworks as another tedious item on an already long to-do list, most come to see the CMMC framework as a benefit that extends beyond meeting requirements for the DoD. The CMMC framework is widely seen as a powerful tool in IT and security teams’ ongoing efforts to defend their organizations against persistent cyber threats. In addition, the fact that the CMMC framework is aligned with other government guidelines (e.g., NIST SP 800-171, NIST SP 800-172, and 48 CFR 52.204-21 or FAR 52.204-21) is helpful. This alignment and the organization of the CMMC framework have won it support and praise from users and industry experts alike.
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Last Updated: 18th August, 2022