Working Anywhere With Egnyte: Productivity Guide

What’s the ideal state of a technology-driven, digital-first organization? Ultimately, it’s where everything you need (and need to do) is right at your fingertips regardless of your location or the tools you have at your disposal. When companies pursue digital transformation, they often do so with a few primary goals in mind, like security, simplicity and productivity. Now more than ever, ensuring productivity and mirroring that “in the office” experience wherever employees are is top of mind for business leaders.

The challenge is that, in a remote working situation, employees may struggle to locate the content and data that’s critical for them to be productive. Files are contained in multiple applications, some of which are accessible in the cloud while others require access through a cumbersome VPN to on-premises applications. When the simple act of accessing the right content when it’s needed requires too many steps, it’s a productivity killer.

With hundreds of applications and integrations to the software and tools your employees use daily, Egnyte has been specifically designed to help keep the flow of work going as it would if everyone was in a traditional office. Integrations like those with Microsoft Office 365, Docusign and Gmail create seamless interactions with your content and files, maintaining continuity from anywhere you’re working, on whatever device you’re using.

By integrating with the tools and systems you already use, your team can edit files within the Egnyte web interface, create a new Office file, send links through Outlook and more, preserving the workflows and capabilities they’re accustomed to in one single place. For any organization seeking to get organized and streamline for better productivity, evaluating the tools and systems you have in place and taking full advantage of how they work together is beneficial no matter what your workplace circumstances are-- the boost to business continuity is only one of the many positive impacts.

For one great example of how one customer strategically dovetailed their tools for maximized productivity, check out how Red Bull superpowered an existing Jive instance by integrating it with Egnyte.

Photo by  Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

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