Yet another first for Egnyte

We're very excited about today's announcement for so many reasons, the least of which is, we're the first, yes you heard it correctly, the first enterprise file sharing infrastructure provider to support third party cloud services. This includes all four major players, Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Microsoft Azure and NetApp Storage Grid, and there are no other file sharing products on the market that can claim this -- no one. You might ask why we've decided to take that approach? There are a couple of reasons.

First, we have always firmly believed that the enterprise will not take a pure cloud approach. This won't happen because IT departments in the enterprise have complicated environments, with multiple offices and heterogeneous storage environments that combine legacy systems with existing NAS and SAN storage. Enterprises are also subject to restrictive regulations, be it HIPAA or FINRA compliance, or the need to simply maintain certain highly confidential pieces of information behind their firewall. Add to that a growing number of cloud applications pouring though the firewall. A cloud-pnly fire sharing solution constantly downloading and uploading files creates network congestion that can only be alleviated by some file sharing occurring behind the firewall at LAN speeds.

The second reason we've taken this approach is that we firmly believe that IT departments need to have solutions that allow them to control where their data lives, and how it's accessed. That means giving IT the ability to use multiple solutions from multiple vendors, be they local storage devices or third party clouds. This lets them create a storage strategy that is flexible and responsive to their needs. Whether it's a high end local storage device serving massive amounts of data over LANs, Egnyte's cloud, or third party clouds that allow them to locate and serve their data from the geography closest to any given office, IT is in control. Acting like the switzerland of enterprise file sharing is an effective approach that takes the realities and needs of IT to heart, and provides them with solutions that locate files as close to the users as possible.

So we'd like to welcome Amazon, Google, Microsoft and NetApp (especially their sales teams and channel partners) to the Egnyte world of enterprise file sharing.

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