Diversity is Spearheading Egnyte to Success

October is Global Diversity Awareness month, and Egnyte is proud to celebrate our corporate commitment to promoting inclusion and diversity.

“Ultimately, America's answer to the intolerant man is diversity.”— Robert KennedyDiversity is a term that tends to be thrown around pretty loosely these days, particularly in Silicon Valley. So why is diversity so important and how has it contributed to the success of Egnyte, the tech industry and the country as a whole? The short answer is we wouldn’t have any of the above if people from all over the world didn’t seek the unique opportunities this country and this industry provide. Employees from different backgrounds, different ages, different countries even from different sides of the same state bring very different perspectives. They approach problems differently and provide a wide range of creative approaches to solving those problems. It’s this diversity of thought and ideas that have driven the explosion of the tech industry and companies such as Egnyte over the past 20+ years. Other industries, that have not embraced this diverse approach, might take a lesson or risk falling behind. And those who fall behind get left behind. However, I think it’s the employees that truly benefit from the diversity that surrounds us. I’ve spent my entire life on the West Coast, between Seattle, Los Angeles and now, Silicon Valley. Many of my best friends have come from different states and different countries. Learning about their backgrounds, perspectives, beliefs and even the food they like has proved invaluable. We don’t always agree (particularly on which football teams to root for), but life would be pretty boring if we did and I’m a better person for having known them.

Diversity is Spearheading Egnyte to Success - Egnyte Blog

As a Recruiter, maintaining the balance between finding the strongest candidates and ensuring a diverse candidate pool can be challenging. So I focus on finding the best people. I don’t care what somebody looks like or where they come from. I care about their talent, their attitude and the contribution they can make to Egnyte. Fortunately, the tech industry attracts great people from all walks of life and makes building a diverse candidate pool less challenging. The diversity of our employees is what makes Egnyte such a great place to work. It’s not just about what we contribute to work solely, but it’s about the different ideas and life experiences we share. It’s been said that variety is the spice of life. Then diversity is the spice of the workplace. Every job has mundane aspects, some more than others. It’s the diversity of the people around us that keep us engaged and interested.

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