Celebrate Women in Engineering

Celebrate Women in Engineering

June 23 is International Women in Engineering Day. 2023 marks the 10th year for the day started by the Women’s Engineering Society, helping to promote the fantastic work that women engineers across the globe bring to their respective industries. 

We spoke with three female engineers at Egnyte whose excellence, innovation, and vision drive the paradigm-shifting team. They all share a passion for shaping how the engineering team operates globally and are proud to be masters of their field.

We had the opportunity to sit down with the three of them to get a perspective on what it is like to be an engineer and how they made it happen.

Meet Judy Chiang, Software Engineer, United States

Why did you choose engineering as your career choice?

Engineering is a natural choice because I've always excelled at and liked math and sciences more than English. But I also like that it teaches me ways to think critically, logically, and creatively (for example, I was very mind blown by the concept of recursion when I first learned it in college).

How has working at Egnyte helped you grow your career?

For what I want in a workplace now, Egnyte is in a perfect state where it's significant and stable enough that there are established teams and mentors who can teach and improve me daily. Still, it's small enough that I'm contributing to something impactful and encouraged to interject in meetings or approach people spontaneously with questions.

What do you love about Egnyte?

I love that Egnyte has an executive team that values and focuses on financial prudence, hard work, and listening to the customer. We’re continuing to do well even in this challenging season. The people here invest in my professional growth but, at the same time, encourage everyone to have a healthy work-life balance.

Meet Kamila Urbaniak, Sr Software Engineer, Poland

Why did you choose engineering as your career choice?

I started learning computer science when I was in high school. I enjoyed solving complex problems and building anything I wanted from scratch.

In college, I've decided to take it as my major because it allows you to be creative and constantly improve yourself. I knew that software engineering offers a wide range of career opportunities, so I would be able to prove myself in many fields.

How has working at Egnyte helped you grow your career?

I joined Egnyte five years ago for a summer internship. I was still in college, so it was a huge opportunity and a big step in my engineering career. Everything was new, but being surrounded by many excellent, highly talented people who extensively mentored and helped me made it easy. 

What do you love about Egnyte?

What I value the most are my hardworking and helpful colleagues. I’m grateful that I have had a chance to learn from them.

From an engineering point of view, I love working on our product. Each part poses new challenges, preventing boredom and enhancing my development.

Meet Mayuri Thakur, Sr Software Engineer, India

Why did you choose engineering as your career choice?

My parents are STEM graduates. My mother, who holds a Master's degree in mathematics, encouraged me a lot when I was a kid to solve those puzzles. They would gift us those science kits as toys, and I was always curious to solve the puzzles and problems. That's when my interest in problem-solving and science developed.

How has working at Egnyte helped you grow your career?

Within Egnyte, I have exposure to various projects/features that help me in skills development. Egnyte has an excellent design team, which is also one of the best parts of Egnyte.

What do you love about Egnyte?

In India, Egnyte is remote. We have a positive work culture and an excellent work-life balance. It has a strong leadership team with a clear vision and is very transparent about the business.

There are also Hackathons that allow us to be creative and innovative, giving us the freedom to experiment and contribute ideas.

Women represent half of the world's population, and their contribution is the key to unlocking innovative solutions. They can bring diversity to the work culture and lead teams to think outside the box. If you’re interested in pursuing a career in engineering at Egnyte, visit our career's page on the website.

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