GDPR: Compliance with a Click

GDPR: Compliance with a Click

Strict new data regulations from the European Union have struck an exposed nerve for global businesses. The new laws protect the privacy of EU residents and pose strict levels of compliance for how their private data is handled. After May 25th 2018, companies must be able to locate all of their stored private data, prove they have it in a secure place, and delete elements if requested by an EU resident.With the deadline looming, firms are struggling to find their best path to compliance. Many have no idea where to start, often dealing with dozens of data servers, spread over multiple sites - not to mention files stored in the cloud. But when fines for non-compliance can be up to 20M Euro, or 4% of a company’s worldwide revenue, action must be taken.The truth is, nobody really knows what’ll happen when the GDPR becomes law. There are just too many questions. Will EU residents demand their data be deleted straight away? Who knows? Will fines be handed out en-masse? Who knows? Will global business shut down EU operations? Who knows? [caption id="attachment_9362" align="alignright" width="218"]

Kris Lahiri, Data Protection Officer, Egnyte.[/caption]One thing we DO know at Egnyte is that there’s a simple solution to a large part of the problem. When the GDPR was announced, we realized that without knowing it we’d been preparing for it all along. We always knew organizations would need a fast, simple, scalable, enterprise-grade, data solution. We just never thought it would be needed on a deadline.Simply put, Egnyte simplifies GDPR compliance by:

  • Providing a simple way to find files in any organization; wherever they’re stored
  • Allowing administrators to easily spot any glaring vulnerabilities
  • Identifying and classifying the personal data within each file
  • Proactively protecting files (This is key to GDPR compliance and one of the first things investigators check in the event of a data breach)

Of course, all that stored data will need a watchful eye, which why we provide real-time alerts. Not only will admins be able to centrally enforce all their sensitive data, but they’ll instantly know if any it is accessed inappropriately. A virtual watchtower, on duty twenty four seven.If all that compliance wasn’t enough, Egnyte delivers it all in a simple SaaS solution. Unlike costly hardware updates, we can be up and running almost instantly, no matter how big the organization is. Egnyte conveniently side-steps the costly rip and replace of expensive on-site networks. We knew there’d always be a need to secure data in multiple ways, so we designed Egnyte accordingly. It makes the GDPR deadline loom a little less, don’t you think?However, the real ace in Egnyte’s arsenal is that it’s enterprise-first. While consumer-grade solutions race to meet industry standards; we’ll be the only solution fully prepared to classify personal data from all 28 EU countries. Why be GDPR-compliant with just two or three EU countries when you could start with them all? It could take months (or even years) to sync other content platforms to the relevant data sets of each EU nation.To sum up, Egnyte sorts files, classifies data, provides real-time content governance, is fully GDPR compliant, and can be up and running in no time. I guess the only question is; why is everyone so worried about the GDPR? Check out our free eBook for more information.


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