Converting Cap Ex to Op Ex

With the economic slowdown and recessionary talk dominating all conversations, IT and business savvy people are looking at reducing all and any kind of expense. These days this question pops up in front of me quite frequently - "How's it affecting your business?". And, frankly, my answer is "business has never been as good". The reason for that cheerful response is that Egnyte enables a business to transform capital expenditure, which even with the cheapest hardware can run to $7,000, with a significantly lower operating expense that is a fraction of that cost. At a per seat cost of $15 and unlimited storage, a small business with 5 employees is looking at a monthly expense of $75 i.e. 1/8th cost compared to an On Premise solution. Included in this are unlimited free business partner licenses to access the file server.

We are building a savings calculator that will help analyze the cost of doing it either yourself with an on premise file server OR using the Egnyte On Demand File Server. The cost calculator should be up on the site in a couple of weeks.

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